virgin islands scene

Just as iron rusts from disuse, even so does inaction spoil the intellect.
-- Leonardo da Vinci


Friday, January 31, 2025

Respect the details

Don’t take the details for granted. Pay close attention to them, confirm them, double check them to make sure you have everything right.

The details matter. They may not be exciting or enticing, but they are often crucial.

The big picture is important too. Yet that big picture at the granular level is composed entirely of small, vital details.

When you have the details carefully in place and aligned, they give great support to your intentions, your perspective, and your purpose. Any time the details are ignored, you’re sure to have trouble that leads to ineffectiveness or worse.

Never presume that the details are beneath you. For the details are what enable everything you do.

Do the work to get the details right, and maintain the awareness to keep them right. Respect the details, and leverage their power into positive, beneficial experiences.

— Ralph Marston

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