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Behind every adversity is an opportunity. If you lament over the adversity, you will miss the opportunity.
-- Ajaero Tony Martins


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Seek competence

Seek competence. Create it, make use of it, admire it, learn from it, expand on it.

All kinds of possibilities swirl around in chaos and uncertainty. With competence you can transform those possibilities into concrete value.

Do what you do not just to get it done. Do it also as a way of exercising and strengthening your competence.

For competence pays continuing dividends. Once you’ve acquired a particular competence, you can put it to beneficial use again and again.

When you develop competence in one area, you’ll be inspired, encouraged, and in position to expand it to other areas. With a reputation for competence, opportunities to utilize it frequently come your way.

Competence is worth the extra effort, the diligence, the commitment. Demand competence of yourself, encourage and value competence in others, and find satisfaction in its many rewards.

— Ralph Marston

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