virgin islands scene

Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young.
-- Sir Arthur Pinero


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Go all in

It is by going all in that you fulfill your deepest desires. No one can do it for you, yet you are entirely capable of doing it yourself.

The work is not easy, you won’t always get recognition for it. Even so, it all adds to the richness of your existence, of all existence.

Make the music that only you can make. Share the vision that resonates with what’s authentic within you.

Go all in, give what you have, be who you are, share the best you can. Invest your moments and your efforts in making a difference.

Feel your purpose as it gently and continually nudges you in the direction of fulfillment. Watch as life’s wonder inspires you to think and do and be your best.

As the moments rise and fall, as challenges come and go, as circumstances ever change, go all in. Follow the path you know is yours, making life brighter all along the way.

— Ralph Marston

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