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If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
-- Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama


Thursday, December 12, 2024

Be direct

Dancing around the edges can waste your time and effort. Step in and tackle the issues directly.

Don’t bother with resentment, posturing, avoidance or procrastination. Simply get busy and get the work done.

If you make a mistake, there’s nothing gained by covering it up, offering excuses, or pretending it did not happen. Instead, accept it, admit it, deal with the consequences, and move forward.

Seek to navigate the most direct route between intention and fulfillment, between problem and solution. Sure, you’ll likely need to make some detours along the way, but always aim your next step in the direction of your goal.

In your words, your actions, your plans and your thoughts, take a direct approach. Invest your energy in what’s proven to make a difference, in what moves you steadily toward the desired results.

Respect your own time and the time of others. Be clear, be honest, and be direct.

— Ralph Marston

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