virgin islands scene

To be looking elsewhere for miracles is to me a sure sign of ignorance that everything is miraculous.
-- Abraham Maslow


Thursday, November 21, 2024

Fill the voids

Because of silence, sound has an environment in which to exist. When emptiness abounds, fulfillment becomes possible.

Any time you sense emptiness in your world, you’re actually feeling your own ability and desire to create. What at first seems to be an absence is really an opportunity.

In silence you’ll find opportunity to speak, to express life in your own special way. In darkness is a place to shine your beautiful light.

Empty spaces provide ample room to live with abundance. The voids in your experience are where you can establish joy, love, meaning and fulfillment.

See that each empty moment is truly a treasure. For you’re able to give life and meaning to it.

When nothing is there, everything becomes possible. Take the opportunity, and fill the voids with the miracle of purposeful living.

— Ralph Marston

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