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The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places.
-- Ernest Hemingway


Saturday, October 19, 2024

A little bit of headway

Slow progress is better than no progress. Take heart in whatever gains you’ve made, and keep going.

There’s a big difference between going slow and stopping completely. Even if you’re making just a little bit of headway, that’s preferable to being at a standstill or falling behind.

You cannot do everything, yet you can do something. Just because you’re unable to move as fast as you would like, that’s no reason to give up.

Go right ahead at whatever pace you can sustain. The small gains add up, and bit by bit, put you ahead.

It’s natural to feel overwhelmed by the immensity of the effort in front of you. Yet even then, you can choose one thing and start to work on it, then the next, and soon you’re getting great things done.

Move swiftly when circumstances allow, and when things are not so ideal, move at whatever pace you can. You’ll get through it, you’ll get good work accomplished, and you’ll also be stronger and wiser for the experience.

— Ralph Marston

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