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This very moment is a seed from which the flowers of tomorrow's happiness grow.
-- Margaret Lindsey


Friday, October 4, 2024

Challenges you choose

There is no overwhelming need or financial incentive for people to climb mountains. Yet plenty of people do so, and often pay handsomely for the opportunity.

That’s because challenge itself has value that’s independent of having the challenge met. There’s much more gained from ascending a mountain than just standing at the top.

Challenges are enticing even when they’re not particularly daring or adventurous. For example, the worldwide market for puzzles and games of logic is valued at about twelve billion dollars.

Life is filled with challenges you don’t choose. An excellent way to equip yourself for them is with challenges you do choose.

Just the act of deciding to subject yourself to challenge will give you increased confidence. By working your way through that challenge, you boost your confidence even more.

The challenges you choose will positively impact your skills, your sense of purpose, your resourcefulness, and many other qualities. Challenge yourself often, adding strength, effectiveness, resilience, and wisdom each time you do.

— Ralph Marston

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