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It is better to ask some of the questions than know all the answers.
-- James Thurber


Saturday, September 28, 2024

What it means to think big

Thinking big is not about devising outlandish goals for yourself. Thinking big comes from understanding you have an important role to play in the world.

When you focus on the big picture you’re better able to transcend the annoyances and frustrations that inevitably pile into your life. Think big in this way, and you rise above many of the obstacles that hold so many people back.

Thinking big is having genuine respect and gratitude for the positive possibilities. Thinking big means being committed to doing something useful with the best of those possibilities.

Thinking big is knowing that you have something unique and valuable to offer life. Thinking big means having the confidence to make it happen, no matter what problems stand in your way.

Think big, and let go of what has already happened. Free yourself to direct your focus and efforts toward the good that can now be.

Why get dragged down by all the small stuff that doesn’t really matter? Lift your eyes high, look toward the future, think big and make a beneficial difference everywhere you go.

— Ralph Marston

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