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Without courage, wisdom bears no fruit.
-- Baltasar Gracian


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Your actions

Every action has consequences. To improve your consequences, adjust your actions.

Sometimes it’s obvious what results your actions will cause. Other times, it can be more difficult to know in advance.

But almost always, after you take each action you will know its consequences. Learn from that experience, each time you have it.

Whenever something goes right, and whenever something goes wrong, ask yourself the same question. What exactly did you do to contribute to the result?

Of course many factors come into play, some of which you can influence and some over which you have no say. Yet the factors to focus on most are the actions you can take and the ones you can avoid.

You are in position to be the world’s leading expert on the consequences of your own actions. Take that expertise seriously, use it wisely, and it will serve you well.

— Ralph Marston

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