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Character builds slowly, but it can be torn down within incredible swiftness.
-- Faith Baldwin


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Appreciate your habits

A habit is something you do almost without thinking. Even so, in order to make sure you maintain the habit, it’s good to regularly think about it.

You get yourself into a good habit, to the point where it becomes second nature. Yet when anything becomes second nature, it can be all to easy to take for granted.

If you fail to appreciate the benefits of a particular habit, you could be setting yourself up to abandon it. Though habits are mostly automatic, they do benefit from intentional maintenance.

Good habits can take a long time to develop. Yet many of them, particularly in challenging circumstances, can be lost overnight.

Take care not to let that happen. As well-ingrained as your positive habits may be, make it your business to fully appreciate the benefits they bring.

Respect the value of all the time and effort you’ve invested in the habits that contribute so much to your life. Appreciate all the good work you’ve done by making sure to keep it going.

— Ralph Marston

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