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If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.
-- Michael Jordan


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Smart choice

It’s tempting to do the popular thing, the showy thing, the dramatic thing. What’s always better is to do the smart thing.

The thrills, fashions and adulations of the moment fade all too quickly. Yet the choices that have been well thought out can result in enduring value.

A snide comment at just the right time will get you a quick laugh, but nothing after that. However, holding your tongue is likely to earn you respect and genuine admiration that outlive the moment.

It’s great to have fun, but fun loses its luster when it is all you ever choose. Overindulging feels good while you’re doing it, yet it’s usually something you’ll quickly regret.

You can often appear smart and sophisticated by thoughtlessly mimicking the words and actions of others. But that could very well set you up to eventually look foolish.

Instead, give some real, honest thought to your choices. Go with what’s smart, and you’re much more likely to end up with the outcome that’s best.

— Ralph Marston

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