virgin islands scene

Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other problems.
-- Rene Descartes


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Reach, reach, reach

Somewhere beyond you is your highest possibility. Reach for it.

If you attain that possibility, you win. And even if you fall short of the mark, you still win.

For it is the reaching that truly counts. The results absolutely do matter, yet what makes them so valuable is the process you go through to attain them.

When you put forth the effort and get the results you want, that’s great. When the effort’s there but the results aren’t satisfactory, you’ve prepared yourself to come back even stronger next time.

Winners are not those who merely have good fortune handed to them. Winners are people who do what is necessary to reach their good fortune.

Reach, reach, reach, with every moment, every thought, every action, and you will get the results you seek, or at the very least you will get the experience you need. Either way, you win.

— Ralph Marston

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