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Arriving at one point is the starting point to another.
-- John Dewey


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Harness the energy

Consider what just happened and ask yourself. What energy do I take from this and how can I make good use of it?

Success can energize your life, difficulty can energize your life. Frustration energizes you, and satisfaction energizes you.

Where your energy comes from is not always up to you. Yet what you do with it is very much your choice.

From the worst days you often end up with the best stories, and powerful, memorable inspiration. Even life’s negative incidents provide you the raw material for positive energy.

Find the energy that comes with each experience, good, bad, in between, and utilize it. Always have a worthy purpose ready to act upon whenever a new burst of energy arrives in your life.

When you notice yourself intensely feeling one way or another about something, there’s energy coming your way. Embrace that energy, harness it, and put it to good use.

— Ralph Marston

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