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He who has a strong enough why can bear almost any how.
-- Fredrich Nietzsche


Thursday, July 18, 2024

Rise joyfully

Stay away from those who promise to make things easy for you. Seek out those who respect you enough to challenge you.

Avoid consenting to offers of something for nothing. Such situations always leave you with less than nothing.

Be willing to pay the price that a life of quality and fulfillment demands. For precisely in that price is where the desired reward resides.

Being rich is not a matter of how much you have. The experience of true richness is commensurate with how little you need.

Take the time and open yourself to behold the massive extent and value of all that is, of all you’re connected to. The totality of existence is here now, with you, in you, around you, through you.

Sense the energy and the miracle of what you’re participating in. For your sake, for everyone’s sake, rise joyfully to the magnificent occasion of today.

— Ralph Marston

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