virgin islands scene

I recommend that the Statue of Liberty be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the west coast.
-- Victor Frankl


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Magnificent feast

Those who live in a beautiful and competent world are those who invest themselves in beauty and competence. Those who live in an ugly and dysfunctional world are those who fail to make that investment.

Effort, care, love, generosity, and understanding are difficult, but they are not burdens. They are opportunities to improve the quality of life.

Beauty cannot exist without someone to appreciate it, support it, care for it, share it, and advance its desirability. Living to do so adds immense quality to the experience of life.

Beauty advances life and life advances beauty. There is no limit to the heights that such a collaboration can attain.

Do what is good and right and elegant and beautiful, for the sake of itself. Instead of fighting over meager scraps, do the work to bring forth a magnificent feast.

Time, resources, energies, and genuine yearnings are there. With your commitment and with growing strength, fulfill them in beautiful, creative ways.

— Ralph Marston

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