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Just as iron rusts from disuse, even so does inaction spoil the intellect.
-- Leonardo da Vinci


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Fulfill the promise

Shake off the burden of superficiality. Escape the enticement of meaningless, contrived drama.

Purge from your awareness all the mass produced, mediocre content. Make plenty of room in your life for real wonder, purpose, challenge, adventure.

Add new layers of depth and discovery to your experience of being alive. Revel in the truth that every day offers opportunities to amaze you.

Consider what a rare and precious thing your existence is. Act with creativity and enthusiasm on the profound gratitude you feel.

You are passing through a unique and valuable moment. Fulfill the promise, well informed by every goodness you’ve ever known.

Treasure the true substance that is all around you. And raise the value of life for all by fully living the life you have.

— Ralph Marston

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