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It is surprising what a man can do when he has to, and how little most men will do when they don't have to.
-- Walter Linn


Saturday, May 25, 2024

Grand opportunity

Real magic is not to be found in some quick and easy solution. The magic unfolds in the living of your life.

Joy comes not from some particular, momentary pleasure or acquisition. It is in the authentic living of each moment that joy infuses your experience.

Skill, wisdom, and confidence cannot be successfully hacked by some clever system or trick. They accumulate as you live through the days, months, and years, in the triumphs and disappointments, in the pain and the love.

The value of life is not in any single possession or experience or feeling. The value of life is in the living.

You’ll gain nothing by attempting to second-guess life. Every genuine goodness you experience comes from living each moment with all the love, energy, gratitude and awareness you can muster.

This is a day for living your life. Embrace fully the grand opportunity.

— Ralph Marston

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