virgin islands scene

True silence is the rest of the mind. It is to the spirit what sleep is to the body - nourishment and refreshment.
-- William Penn


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Experience now

Not sure what to do, what to say, how to feel? Start doing, start saying, start feeling, and find out.

It’s great to plan in advance based on what you think you want and believe. But no plan, no matter how elaborate, can take the place of experience.

You must step forward and actually deal with the day, with the situation, with your life. To know what is the best way forward, you must experience yourself as you move forward.

That experience will include pains, disappointments, and mistakes as well as joy, satisfaction, and achievement. Every bit of it adds value and substance to your life and your world.

Only through experience can you discover who you are and what you care about. As your experience continues to unfold your life gains new truth, strength, competence, and meaning.

Stop wondering what to do and start doing what you wonder about. The time to experience is now.

— Ralph Marston

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