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To succeed, we must first believe that we can.
-- Michael Korda


Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Unpleasant reality

The way to deal with an unpleasant reality is not to hide from it or deny it. Instead, recognize it and then set about to either change it or change the way it affects your life.

You can admit reality without admitting defeat. Accepting things for what they are does not prevent you from changing them.

Indeed, the opposite is true. As soon as you can clearly see and own up to the reality of the situation, you have begun to gain power over it.

Engage your imagination, and picture a positive alternative to the unpleasant reality. Then put your passion, your skills, and your resources to work, and bring that alternative to life.

Every opportunity that exists is based in truth and reality. By acknowledging and embracing reality, you give yourself the opportunity to improve upon it.

Accept and understand your life as it is, and visualize the way you would like it to be. Then, with your intention clearly and firmly in mind, get to work and make it happen.

— Ralph Marston

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