Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Where your thoughts go
Put your thoughts where they will do the most good. Focus them on creating and expanding upon what’s positive and desirable.
You wouldn’t spend your hard-earned money buying things you didn’t want or need. It’s important to be just as discerning with the power of your thoughts.
Sure, you can’t help but notice the negative things in life, and often you must deal with them. But that doesn’t mean you must dwell on them.
Choose instead to direct as much of your thinking as possible toward goodness and value and richness. Fill your thoughts with the best possibilities and with consideration for how to bring those possibilities to life.
Where your thoughts go, your priorities, your actions, and your life will follow. Think kindness, generosity, achievement, excellence, and give real energy to the values you cherish.
Every thought has an impact. Point as many of your thoughts as you can in meaningful and beneficial directions.
Ralph Marston

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