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The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it.
-- Warren Bennis


Wednesday, December 20, 2023

What you don’t know

You don’t know it all, you won’t know it all, you can’t know it all. Free yourself to think more clearly by accepting that you haven’t thought of everything.

Certainly your knowledge and reasoning bring great value to your world. Yet that value can be destroyed by arrogance.

You know what you know, and that’s great. Yet there’s always more to know, factors you haven’t considered.

And therein exists great opportunity for discovery, improvement, and deeper levels of understanding. Whatever you already know is your starting point, and the possibilities for seeking truth have no limit.

From where you’ve never been, from those you’ve never agreed with, you can learn. Offer yourself sufficient confidence and curiosity to expand your levels of enlightenment and effectiveness.

Be thrilled by the prospect of encountering someone who has knowledge different than yours, who sees the world from an alternate perspective. Because very soon, so will you.

— Ralph Marston

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