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Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
-- John Quincy Adams


Friday, December 15, 2023

Value for your time

There’s no time to waste, so what do you do? You hurry, and while all that hurrying can create much activity, it often produces poor results.

Rarely is it a good tactic to put yourself into such a rush. In the effort to hurry because time is short, you can easily end up wasting even more time.

Consider a couple of things. First, if you really don’t have time to focus and do a good job right now, could you wait until later, when there’s more time?

Second, is that urgent next activity you’re rushing off to actually urgent, actually important? Or is it something that could be delayed, maybe even canceled altogether?

If you regularly find yourself pressed for time, there’s an excellent chance you can benefit from a re-evaluation of your priorities and procedures. Rather than assuming that rushing is inevitable, challenge yourself to make your time more intentional and focused.

Instead of convincing yourself you’re making progress by rushing around, look for a better way. Give respect and value to your time, and it will return great value to you.

— Ralph Marston

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