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If you are offered a seat on a rocket ship, don't ask what seat! Just get on.
-- Sheryl Sandberg


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Start now, and continue

You can’t do it all at once. But you can do it.

You’re not going to master a new language, run a marathon, or build a thriving business the day after you decide to do so. Yet you’re able to accomplish all those things, and more, with small steps.

You can put time on your side. You can use the hours, weeks, and years to make steady progress.

That progress usually doesn’t occur in a straight line, or as quickly as you’d like. But it will come over time, and over time is better than never.

The way to fill your life with achievement is to fill your moments with the efforts that build achievement. Several of those moments are immediately ahead of you right now.

At this point it makes no difference whether you’re starting early or starting late. What’s important is to start now, and continue.

— Ralph Marston

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