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You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough to make them all yourself.
-- Sam Levenson


Saturday, December 9, 2023

The good

Treasure the good you have known, and still know. Let it inspire you to make more of its kind, in its image.

See if you can recognize what’s good in the eyes and ways of people around you. Remind yourself also of all that’s good about you.

Refuse to use goodness as a weapon, as a way to blame, cudgel, shame, or embarrass. Practice goodness instead as an offering, a connection, a humble invitation to elevate the experience of life.

The good in you is real and needs no exaggeration, contrivance, or hidden agenda. Just let it be in you, from you, and with you in words and deeds.

The world has no shortage of difficulties and iniquity. Even so, life can be good, and goodness abounds when you appreciate it, and let it.

See the good that is true, that is possible. Have the confidence and love to continue bringing the good to life.

— Ralph Marston

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