Saturday, December 2, 2023
Enough time
Set aside enough time, but not too much. Challenge yourself to get the job done in the time you’ve given yourself to do it.
If you rush through while filled with anxiety about the time it’s taking, you won’t produce your best work. Yet when you have way more than the necessary time, you’re more likely to lose focus and to let self doubt creep in.
Up to a point, the more time you spend on a task, the more value and quality you create. However, you will eventually reach a point of diminishing return, and after that point you’re just wasting time or worse.
Decide on a reasonable amount of time and allow yourself that amount. Also, commit yourself to what you’ll do afterward, to the next activity, so you won’t have the option of lingering.
You can get the work done effectively and in a timely manner if you’ll simply make that your intention. Then you’ll have it finished, and be able to move on to whatever is next.
Respect yourself and your skill enough to give yourself the right amount of time that will challenge you without rushing you. Then rise to the challenge and use that time to get your good work done.
Ralph Marston

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