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By forgetting the past and by throwing myself into other interests, I forget to worry.
-- Jack Dempsey


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Act on inspiration

Many treasures and experiences you must earn before you attain. Inspiration is the other way around.

When something inspires you, in the moment of inspiration you become obligated to then earn that inspiration. You do so with inspired action.

As powerful as inspiration is, it can also be debilitating if you seek to linger indefinitely in awe. Stop congratulating yourself on having the good fortune of being inspired, and step forth to do something useful with that inspiration.

Inspiration fills you with energy in a unique and compelling way. So rather than allowing that energy to be drained away and wasted, connect the inspiration you feel to a purpose you know.

Doing so enables you to be inspired in a meaningful direction and to take specific actions. You can layer action on top of inspiration and inspiration on top of action, again and again.

Inspiration puts you in a state of high energy. With a clear and positive purpose, transform that energy into lasting goodness.

— Ralph Marston

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