virgin islands scene

The wise learn many things from their enemies.
-- Aristophanes


Friday, November 10, 2023

Purposeful focus

Don’t beat yourself up for the time you’ve wasted, because that would waste even more. Just decide what good, productive, meaningful use you can make of your time now, and begin.

Stop ruminating over what caused you to lose focus. Simply set aside a generous and specific amount of time and commit it to staying focused on what will make a difference.

The potential distractions will always be there to entice you. Yet your commitment to purposeful focus gives you the power to resist their temptations.

It’s your mind, it’s your awareness, it’s your effort, it’s your time. You can choose to focus, you can choose the subject of your focus, and you can continue making that choice.

By so doing, you immunize yourself and your thoughts against intrusions that could otherwise disrupt and derail your efforts. You give your mind space in which to do miraculous and meaningful work.

You are one choice away from the power of purposeful focus. Experience all the valuable results that come when you put that power to work.

— Ralph Marston

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