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Solitude and silence teach me to love my brothers for what they are, not for what they say.
-- Thomas Merton


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Your instincts

Your instincts are not perfect. Yet they do have value, and deserve your attention.

When you know, even though you’re not sure how or why you know, trust that you do indeed know. Not all truth can be distilled into facts and logic.

If you can verify what your instincts are telling you, great. But even when you can’t verify them, respect the truth they’re sure to contain.

Challenge your instincts honestly, and as thoroughly as you can. But don’t let other people with their own agendas cause you to doubt what you know in your gut to be true.

You know more than you’re aware of knowing. Just as your thoughts and sensory perceptions inform you, so do your feelings.

Wisdom resides in the full spectrum of your awareness. Make good and confident use of it all.

— Ralph Marston

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