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We have committed the Golden Rule to memory; let us now commit it to life.
-- Edwin Markham


Thursday, October 26, 2023

Own your time

You can’t make more time in the day, the week, the year. What you can do is make your time more productive and fulfilling.

That happens when you take greater ownership of your time. It happens when you take greater responsibility for what you do with the time available to you.

Start by making a commitment to getting each day’s necessary tasks completed as early and effectively as possible. Doing so frees the remaining time in each day for you to spend as you choose.

When you have earned the luxury of that choice, choose wisely. Remind yourself how much value it’s possible to create in each moment, set your standards high, and work to meet those standards.

Invest your time in the people, the values, the dreams, ideas, and possibilities you care about most. Use the present time to create meaningful goodness that endures far into the future.

Time passes quickly, yet you can inject plenty of great life into each bit of time along the way. Take ownership of your time, take responsibility for its use, and live the full potential of every day.

— Ralph Marston

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