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All would live long, but none would be old.
-- Benjamin Franklin


Saturday, October 21, 2023

Let go of negativity

Negativity is a burden you impose on yourself and others. How long do you wish to continue carrying it?

Certainly troublesome, even tragic situations exist in your own vicinity and in the wider world. But you accomplish nothing of value by making them worse with your own negativity.

Negativity is a fight against what is, a fight that’s lost as soon as it begins. Instead of being ensnared by such futility, you can simply accept what is, and let the negativity fall away.

Doing so frees you to resonate with a positive vision of what can be. That’s a much better direction to point your considerable energy, skills, thoughts, words and actions.

It’s not a naive denial of the problems, but rather an affirmation of your choice to move forward with positive purpose. It’s a choice to face reality without hesitation and to give your best in dealing with it.

Let go of the useless and burdensome negativity. You’ve got a meaningful life to live and great work to do.

— Ralph Marston

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