Monday, September 18, 2023
Thankful for your critics
Criticism hurts, especially when it’s based on truth. And criticism helps, particularly when true.
You don’t like to think you’re doing anything wrong, and it’s no fun when someone else points out your shortcomings. But wouldn’t you rather know about it than to continue repeating the error?
Receiving encouragement feels good, and inspires you to take positive action. Receiving criticism might not feel as good, yet it has the power to inspire you just as much as encouragement, perhaps even more.
Sure, people can often criticize you just to hurt you or as an attempted boost to their own egos. Fortunately, you don’t have to take such criticism in the negative spirit in which it’s intended.
Embrace criticism and use it as an opportunity to remind yourself how much better you can do. Experience the sting of criticism and transform its power into motivation, determination, action, and valuable results.
Choose to be thankful for your critics and their criticisms. They provide opportunity for major improvements and repeated success.
Ralph Marston

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