virgin islands scene

What does not destroy me, makes me strong.
-- Friedrich Neitzche


Saturday, September 2, 2023

Notice more

There are slats on your window shutter. Have you ever counted how many?

You know leaves on the trees are green. Do you ever pay attention to all the different shades of green?

Ask yourself questions such as this, and you can teach yourself to notice more. You can learn to uncover possibilities you never even realized were there.

Notice more, and you improve your presence, mindfulness, and awareness. Where once you only perceived a problem, you can find opportunity, new value, and goodness.

Especially when it comes to other people, notice more. You’ll discover some of your habitual judgments are replaced with thoughtful understanding.

In every place, in every activity, with each person you encounter, you have the opportunity to notice more. What new things can you notice right now?

— Ralph Marston

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