virgin islands scene

Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.
-- Jean-Paul Sartre


Thursday, August 31, 2023

Reach across time

Consider for a moment all the things you’re thankful to your past self for doing. Today is your opportunity to do more of the same.

You can act in the present to make your future self thankful. In so doing, you’re able to reach across time and make improvements to experiences before you even have those experiences.

That’s an opportunity too valuable to waste. It’s an exciting possibility that can stimulate your imagination and push you into positive action.

You’re constantly in the process of creating consequences. At the same time, you’re always living with the consequences you previously set in motion.

By keeping those facts in mind when you make choices, you can optimize the quality of the consequences in your life. You can bring about consequences you look forward to rather than ones you dread.

Your future self is eager to be thankful to the person you are right now. Go right ahead and do what’s necessary to exceed those expectations.

— Ralph Marston

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