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You must continue to gain expertise, but avoid thinking like an expert.
-- Denis Waitley


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Get involved

The party has now begun. It’s your time to join the fun.

The sun just came up on a new day. Plenty of good things are possible, many of them are starting to happen.

It’s somewhat useful to speculate about what might be, or might have been. What’s much more valuable is to jump right in and get involved, right now.

When you participate you’re sure to encounter awkward moments, inconvenience, frustration. Go ahead, participate anyway, with all you have, being exactly and honestly who you are.

Get involved, commit yourself, live like you mean it. Make it your intention to make something rich and rewarding with the time in front of you.

The biggest regrets are for opportunities missed. Don’t miss this one that’s here for you now.

— Ralph Marston

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