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The great questions are those an intelligent child asks and, getting no answers, stops asking.
-- George Wald


Saturday, August 12, 2023

Exercise your effectiveness

Just because you’ve failed once or twice does not mean you’ll always fail. Just because a particular action brought no positive results does not mean all further action is futile.

There’s much you have learned from your past experiences. But those experiences have not taught you everything there is to know.

You are not helpless, and your situation is not hopeless. There exist right now some specific actions with which you can bring about a positive, transformative result.

Those actions are not immediately obvious, and they won’t be easy. Nonetheless, they are possible for you and available to you.

Commit yourself to determining what you can do, and to following through with it. Expect to find a workable way forward, then be the force that fulfills that expectation.

Seize upon the opportunity to exercise your effectiveness, to make a meaningful difference. Use your power, your faith, your persistence, and bring new goodness to life.

— Ralph Marston

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