virgin islands scene

It is necessary; therefore, it is possible.
-- G A Borghese


Thursday, August 10, 2023

What you’re able to do

Many factors in your life are beyond your control, and will always be. But that doesn’t mean you’re helpless.

You cannot control the weather or the progression of the seasons. Yet you can control your own actions to prepare and equip yourself for the weather you’re likely to encounter.

You cannot rid the world of all the viruses and bacterial pathogens that cause serious disease. What you can do is practice good hygiene and make the healthy choices that enable your miraculous immune system to fight off those germs.

The thoughts, opinions, words, and actions of other people are not under your control. However, by carefully controlling your own behavior, you can shield yourself from most of the damaging behaviors of others.

It is futile to seek control over many of life’s most pervasive influences. Instead, put your thoughts, your time, your energy into making and carrying out the most effective choices within what you do control.

Although some options will always be beyond your reach, many good ones are still available to you. Live so that what you’re able to do more than makes up for what you’re unable to do.

— Ralph Marston

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