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To create is to live twice.
-- Albert Camus


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Balance that stays in balance

Effective balance is not a matter of countering one extreme with an opposite extreme. You cannot eat everything in sight one day and then nothing the next day and expect to achieve nutritional balance.

To address any imbalance, seek to rein in that specific imbalance. Adding a similar amount of imbalance in another direction just gets you more out of balance.

When you suffer because of an imbalance in your life, taking drastic measures might seem an appealing way to fix it quickly. But a situation that took a long time to build will take time to fix, and calls for an approach you can sustain over the long haul.

It’s useful to know and understand the extremes, and to occasionally experience them. Yet you’ll wear yourself out if you spend all your time negotiating between them.

Balance must be maintained for it to have value. Move toward the sort of balance that facilitates momentum.

Use your time and energy to move forward rather than swinging back and forth between extremes. Enjoy the benefits of a balance that stays in balance.

— Ralph Marston

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