virgin islands scene

Before you can do something you must first be something.
-- Goethe


Saturday, August 5, 2023

The strength of patience

Patience is an excellent way of getting time to work in your favor. One moment of patience can prevent years of problems and conflicts.

Patience does not mean an absence of action. Patience is taking action at a pace that permits deliberation and thoughtfulness.

Patience helps you avoid mistakes. It shields you from needless anxiety and frustration.

With patience you’re able to develop rich and fruitful levels of understanding. Patience brings you closer to people, places, and things that are initially distant.

Are you seeking to resolve a difficult problem, or to reach an ambitious goal? Consider the powerful role that patience can play in doing so.

Those who are truly strong often reveal and exercise their strength with patience. Those who are patient grow even stronger.

— Ralph Marston

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