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Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly.
-- Robert Schuller


Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Articulate your vision

What specifically could you do to improve and sustain the quality of life for you and for others? Envision it, then give depth and substance to that vision.

You know from experience that you regularly find yourself wishing for this or for that. But mere wishes have negligible power, particularly if they’re for outcomes over which you have limited influence.

A compelling vision that you have the ability to enact is a whole different matter. With such a vision directing your efforts, you can change life for the better.

Perhaps the vision is something as simple as a desktop free of clutter. Or maybe it’s a much more ambitious vision that will take years to fulfill.

Whatever the scope of your vision, when it’s meaningful, realistic, and achievable it pushes you in a positive direction. It constantly reminds you of what matters and urges you to act on what matters.

What good things do you envision yourself doing today, or this month, or over the next couple of years? Give yourself the power of vision, and give your best to all the moments you pass through.

— Ralph Marston

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