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Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.
-- Charles F. Kettering


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Form the future

What you cannot do now is change the past. What you cannot avoid doing now is to form the future.

The past is where you’ve learned and experienced, yet you’re not there anymore. The future is where you’re unavoidably headed.

That future has not been determined yet. And therein lies inexhaustible opportunity.

To whatever extent you regret the past, you can improve the future. You’re able to transform the energy of that regret into inspiration, determination, and effective action going forward.

Your disappointment with what has been has the very real potential to push you in a more positive and fulfilling direction. Let your past exert its favorable influence on your choices right now, and continue to do so going forward.

Today you have the power to expand upon what has served you well and to redirect what has let you down. You’re better positioned than ever before to form a positive and fulfilling future.

— Ralph Marston

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