virgin islands scene

Wherever the ways of man are gentle, there is commerce, and wherever there is commerce, the ways of men are gentle.
-- Charles, Baron de Montesquieu


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Living the consequences

What you’ve been doing got you where you are. What you do now can either keep you there or take you somewhere else.

Right now you are living the consequences of your past choices. That puts you in an ideal position to decide and to act upon what your future consequences will be.

You have gained valuable expertise on which habits and patterns bring you genuine fulfillment and which ones end up wasting your time or worse. Now you have the opportunity to act on that expertise and experience.

It’s easy to know what you feel like doing in the moment and what you don’t feel like doing. But that’s not always the best basis for choosing among your options.

Fortunately, you also have a lifetime of experiencing the consequences of your own choices. With every new choice you can take more of those consequences into consideration.

Very soon you’ll be living the consequences of whatever you decide to do right now. Based on the knowledge of all your past and present consequences, ask yourself, what will that decision be?

— Ralph Marston

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