virgin islands scene

The past should be a springboard not a hammock.
-- Irving Ball


Saturday, July 8, 2023

Express your thoughts

Expressing your thoughts in concrete form helps you organize them, challenge them, strengthen them, and expand on them. Whether you write down your thoughts or speak them out loud, or both, you’ll find great benefit in committing them to words.

Just because you think something doesn’t make it true. Yet you can hone your thoughts into a state of truth by first laying them out in tangible ways.

When thoughts are merely going around and around in your mind they risk turning into endless repetitions or pointless obsessions. Seek to give your thoughts power, relevance, and veracity by enabling them to be objectively considered.

You can produce great insights by becoming lost in your thoughts. Yet you have to take care that those insightful thoughts do not themselves become lost to memory and posterity.

You are constantly thinking and then thinking more. Hold on to the best of those thoughts, and give yourself the chance to refine them, by accurately preserving them.

Throughout each day, your mind is busy offering its treasures in the form of thoughts. Hold on to and improve upon the best of them, and enable your world to benefit from their great potential value.

— Ralph Marston

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