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Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
-- John Quincy Adams


Monday, June 26, 2023

Journey of discovery

You’re better today than you’ve been before. Do yourself and the whole world a big favor and live like it.

You have more knowledge and experience than at any time in the past. That makes the opportunities more valuable, the possibilities more enticing.

Every time you’ve made use of your strength you’ve gained more of it. Seize upon the chance to put that strength, and experience, and knowledge into purposeful action.

Today you have more clarity than ever about who you are and what you care most about. That enables you to keep yourself firmly pointed toward what’s truly fulfilling.

You’ve learned how useless the excuses always are, how giving less than your best so often leads to frustration and regret. Now you can apply those lessons to push you toward excellence and enduring goodness.

Your whole life has been a journey of discovery. Here and now is your chance to put the best of those discoveries to good use.

— Ralph Marston

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