virgin islands scene

Every cultural flowering finds root and nourishment in an expansion of commerce and industry.
-- Will Durant


Friday, June 23, 2023

Small spaces

Somewhere near you is an opportunity to transform clutter and chaos into order and meaning. Somewhere within reach is the possibility of creating beauty.

What place, or situation, or occurrence can you bring to a higher level of order and excellence? What person, or environment, or experience can you help to be more beautiful and creative?

Perhaps it’s just a small corner of a small room, but that’s enough. Whatever gets you to act on the positive possibilities is worth the effort.

It’s common to become cynical when looking out at the wider world. It’s easy to feel that you’re unable to make a difference.

Yet as incomprehensibly massive as the world may be, it is composed of lots of much smaller spaces. Those small spaces are readily accessible, easy to understand, and they respond to your influence.

So use that influence in a good way where it will make a difference, right here, right now. Improve the small spaces in your vicinity, and in a real, discernible way, you have improved your world.

— Ralph Marston

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