virgin islands scene

All man's gains are fruit of venturing.
-- Herodotus


Friday, June 9, 2023

Demanding activities

The more an activity demands of you, the more valuable it is to you. Keep that in mind when choosing what to do with your precious and irreplaceable time.

If it doesn’t require the use of your thinking, your efforts, your resources or skills, there’s not much in it for you. Seek out something else that will be a better investment of your time.

You know in advance that each day will quickly pass. So be prepared to give meaningfully to life as every day’s time goes by.

That way, you can retain value from moments long after those moments are gone. Though you cannot stop time from passing, you can certainly prevent your time from being wasted.

What is this hour demanding from you? Whatever is being asked of you right now represents value that can endure far into the future.

Choose what challenges you, what purposefully utilizes the best you have to give. And you’ll soon be on the receiving end of all that industrious giving.

— Ralph Marston

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