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The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not our circumstances.
-- Martha Washington


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Focus firmly forward

Glance back, keep a strong sense of where you came from and an appreciation for all who have gone before you. All the while, keep your focus firmly forward.

This time now is when you can think, act, experience, make a difference. The time ahead is where you’ll soon be.

Give your commitment to now and to what’s coming. Honor, respect, and carry valuable lessons from the past while applying the best of yourself to the time and place where you are.

Find treasure in the good times that have brought joy and in the difficulties that have built strength. And move on ahead, ready, willing, and enthusiastic to add more real substance to life.

Allow yourself plenty of comforting and informative memories, but don’t hold on too tight. Life is a perpetually dynamic experience, and you deserve to live its full range.

Live, love, and learn all you can, as you can. Keep moving forward to even more.

— Ralph Marston

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