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Be so good they can't ignore you.
-- Steve Martin


Thursday, May 25, 2023

Nested problems

Many times when you solve one problem the reward is another problem. That’s frustrating, but it’s also a great opportunity.

Because when you’re solving problems you’re creating value. And if one problem points to another, and then to another, that’s a lot of potential value.

Other people might have encountered the same nested problem, and given up in frustration. All that value is waiting for someone who is willing to persist.

By digging through the problems one by one, not only do you unlock a great deal of value. You also improve your skill at addressing many different kinds of issues.

Rather than giving in to frustration, muster some well deserved enthusiasm. You’ve come across a challenge that will compel you to grow stronger, that promises rich rewards.

See a nested problem for the opportunity it is. And be the person to transform that opportunity into treasure.

— Ralph Marston

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