Monday, May 22, 2023
Achieve gradually
There are a few objectives you can achieve quickly. There are many more objectives you can achieve gradually.
You cannot learn a new language or other complex skill in a few days. Yet over a year or two with consistent, gradual effort, you can make massive progress.
Are there specific meaningful goals that elude you in the moment? Imagine going to work on one of them gradually.
Make time work in your favor by making use of it as it comes. Give yourself a way to carry value forward from each day you go through.
Set out to achieve gradually, and every morning when you wake up you already have a clear purpose. Do the work to achieve gradually, and enable yourself to look back with satisfaction at how far you’ve come.
Countless possibilities are open to you when you give them enough time. Achieve gradually, and discover how very much you can do.
Ralph Marston

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