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Argue for your limitations and they are yours.
-- Richard Bach


Thursday, May 11, 2023

Inner critic

It’s useful to be critical of yourself. Yet for that criticism to serve a positive purpose, you must quickly act on it.

Otherwise, your criticism of yourself just devolves into an excuse for your own negative behavior. You figure that even though you’re doing something you know is wrong, at least you feel bad about it.

But merely feeling bad is not enough, and is harmful in its own right to your image of yourself. A much more beneficial response to self criticism is self improvement.

Is there something you’re repeatedly criticizing yourself for doing? Take that as a strong signal that you must find a way to stop doing it.

Is there something you’re continually insisting to yourself that you must do? Then figure out how, and get it done.

Your inner critic knows you well, and can offer some good advice. Graciously accept that advice, and diligently act on it.

— Ralph Marston

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