Saturday, May 6, 2023
Making progress
There is a difference between difficult and impossible. Success is a matter of respecting and acting on that difference.
Let go of what’s impossible. Put your best into doing what’s difficult and valuable.
Making progress within the bounds of reality is often difficult, yet it can be done. Going entirely against reality, however, is impossible.
Wishes will never be magically granted just because you wish them. Yet all sorts of amazing achievements and experiences are within your grasp when you’re willing to put forth the necessary effort.
Dream whatever amazing dreams you can imagine, and then ask yourself. What parts of those dreams can actually be realized, and how exactly can that be done?
You can find more than enough real, achievable possibilities for a rich and fulfilling life. Move past the empty wishes for what cannot be done, and do the work to bring about all the good things that can.
Ralph Marston

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